Monday 30 May 2011

So many tomatoes!

This weekend was a bank holiday one so there was lots of opportunity to plant things :)
I created a new raised bed, a Gardman heavy duty raised bed which is made of slats which slot into each other and was very easy to put together. In the raised bed I put more tomatoes.

I have about 20 tomato plants!  The first batch of ferlene that I put in the airing cupoard I left for too long and they had grown quite gangly they germinate in 2-3 days not 7, as it says on the packet!

So I thought they'd die so I planted a new set and Fee took pity on me and gave me a few. Everyone of them survived!

Fees I've left in the greenhouse (I don't know what type they are ) and the other 17 are outside.

I repotted all the chillies, the hot tepin never grew but the seeds from the chilli farm grew well. They germinated quicker in the airing cupboard but did eventually grow in the greenhouse.

All the romanesque cauliflower and brussel sprouts germinated I've repotted them for the second time as last year they were attacked by caterpillars quite badly so I thought I'd let them grow a bit larger first.

The aubergines are all potted into bigger pots and are looking well.

I sowed the following

Coriander - Dad's seeds (planted as companion to tomatoes)
Carrots - Bought last year, Parmex, Suttons, sow by 2012, second batch this year
Rocket - Dad's seeds, not all of these germinate so I'm planting 2 in a pot, second batch this year
Radish - Bought last year, Jolly, Suttons, sow by 2012, second batch this year
Dwarf Beans - Dad's seeds
Beetroot - Bolthardy, Carters, sow by 2010, plant two to a pot, second batch this year
Turnip - Purple Top Milan, Suttons, sow by 2013, second batch this year
Dill - Dad's seeds

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