Sunday 8 September 2013

Midsomer triathlon

7am bike racked ready for transition
Yet another Sunday morning found me in Midsomer wondering whether I'd brought enough warm clothes for the bike ride.

The swim was indoors, so that was nice and warm. It's a rather hilly cycle ride and it started to rain near the end, for some reason I stopped being able to feel my left foot and my hands started to go numb, I think it might be time to switch to full fingered gloves.

The run was uphill too! (well, half of it was) I slowed down a lot and didn't make it under 2 hours. It was fun tho'.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Turkish trousers

Mina, helping with the pleating
I attempted to make some Turkish trousers for +Kalyn Wilson using this pattern. The pattern required a certain amount of interpretation, and I annoyingly made a couple of mistakes, but I think it's at least wearable and I got a lot of practice in making pleats! I'll add some pictures of her wearing it at the 1318 LARP this weekend.

I've added a project in my sewing circle.
Yay, finished trousers.

Wood workshop

My first attempts at a dove joint. 

Sunday 1 September 2013

Swim Britain

I went to a Swim Britain event held in Blenheim Palace with Sally, Kate and Lizzie. It wasn't a huge distance to swim (4 x 250m in a rather murky lake) but it was fun and rather social.